Friday, September 30, 2005

GW Rant In E Minor


What are we doing, America? What the fuck? Get off your 65% Obese asses and take a stand (if you can). How is it GW is still in office unchallenged?

This dude is in charge??

Where’s the grassroots movement to oust this imbecile from office?

Uncanny, Isn't it???

Where’s the revolutionary spirit that built this country and made it great? Too few folks shouting Revolution! anymore, and too many shouting Creationism!

First he steals election number one with help from his Governor-brother and the cunt in charge of vote counting in Florida. Then again in election number two…very questionable as to what was going on with those inbred, Christian conservatives in Ohio. Then we got him on vacation for the first year of his administration, sitting on his ass during 9/11, Carl Rove, and now Tom DeLay. If Bush had any more egg on his face they’d being naming an omelet after him at the IHOP. The Red-Neck Special. Fer Christ’s sake, look at the pictures he takes! If ever there has been a more vacuous face, I’ve never seen it…maybe on Howdy Doody? Corruption is rampant in his administration, glad handing, and glory-holing are running un-abated. These fuckers managed to start a War for Oil, that they and their cronies will undoubtedly make billions on (Oil Company net profits this year…41 Billion Dollars…NET, MUTHERFUCKERS!), and we bought it! His father was a one-term President, and he only got that ‘cause we couldn’t just kick his whimpy ass out. His old man started the current Mid-East conflict, then got his mini-me to come in and attempt to finish the job. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree at all. They justify their actions with out and out lies (WMD’s!), or set the stage early (we sold ton’s of weapons to the middle east, then used their “incredible weapons capability” as justification to go in the first time).

I quote the late, incredibly great, Bill Hicks,
“Iraq. Incredible weapons! Incredible weapons technology!”
“How do you know?”
“ looked at the receipt. But as soon as that check clears, we’re going in!”

The Dark Prophet Himself, Mr. Hicks...R.I.P

Wake up America, ya fat, gelatinous, lazy fuck-holes. All hell is breaking loose around you. And when the shit really hits the fan, it really will be survival of the fittest. What are you gonna do without yer fast food, yer pizza delivery, yer instant gratification - jack-off to the internet lifestyles? No elevators or escalators to carry yer gargantuan, wheezing asses wherever they have to go. The streets will be littered with sausage-fingered pork-pies, clutching their chests, and gasping their last death rattling breaths as tiny, cholesterol packed heart muscles seize up under abnormally high stress and physical exertion…walking!

Fucking sheep. Lambs to slaughter.

This is your fearless leader, America. Literally wearing blinders…

Do yourself a favor:


1 Romantic Wedding said...
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zombieH said...

After reading this one, I need to lie down. I'll have a smoke first.

long live Bill Hicks. So fearless and spot-on. We could truly use him now. Taken way, way ahead of his time. zH

Mike S said...

Thunder Mouth, check this out,
I found this hilarious.Left
click on Bush and fling him
around :)