Saturday, July 29, 2006

President Assaulted During Visit to School for Gifted Children

During a recent visit to a Magnet School for the Developmentally Advanced, one of the more gifted students took a moment to let the President know how he felt about the job he’s been doing during his administration. Seconds later the child was wrestled from Mr. Bush's arms, thrown to the ground, and restrained with a tazer. He was quoted later as saying he spoke on behalf of all Americans with and I.Q. bigger than 70 (which coincidentally is the same as the President’s). Mr. Bush took it in stride, and said with a Texas-chuckle, “After five years of pissing off the world, I guess it’s about time I got pissed on. I just prefer it to be my wife Laura…or our 14 year old niece! That’s how we do things on the Ranch! Yeeeeeeeeeeeee-Haw!”

The next stop is a petting zoo in East Trumbleduck, Oklahoma; where the president anticipates a warmer reception.